Arthur Lorente

Well hey there! Thank you for stopping by! My name is Arthur and I am glad that you decided to hop over to see what is up with that guy submitting a link as a cover letter.

I currently work as a Senior Revenue Operations Manager for Systems and Processes, which means that I am constantly finding ways to create a better CRM environment for my team that allows for adoption, hygiene, and frictionless revenue generation.

Arthur Lorente

This also means I see tons of emails everyday! Both from my company and other companies. It is almost as if email has become noise to me, you know what I mean?

Arthur Lorente

Obviously I know you read resumΓ©s and cover letters all day everyday. I would hate if mine became just noise to you!

Arthur Lorente

So here we are. This is a static page that a close mentor helped me come up with. You can look at the right section to take a quick glance at the folks who are important in my professional journey and might be able to provide you with some insight about me. Navigate through the different sections on the left.

Wait a second, I don't need to tell you any of this, do I? You're probably familar with the environment, right? πŸ˜‹

Arthur Lorente

Anyways, thanks for joining! I will see you again in just a second as you navigate all channels πŸ‘‹